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Waar kan ik je mee helpen?




Individuele Therapie



As a certified relationship therapist, I work based on the principles of Integrated Behavioral Couples Therapy (IBCT) , a scientifically proven method that helps partners understand each other better and reduce tension.


With a diverse background in international business and having faced personal challenges such as divorce and illness, I understand the rollercoaster that every person and relationship can find themselves on.


The common thread in my life is that people often trust me with both their professional challenges and personal issues. I am a good listener and genuinely interested in others. Becoming a relationship therapist felt like a natural step and is a valuable complement to my knowledge and experience in the business world.


With 17 years of expat experience in different countries and cultures, I can also help expat couples with the specific challenges of relationships in an international setting.


My approach is down-to-earth and direct, with a healthy dose of humor. I like to create a relaxed atmosphere in which mutual understanding and effective interaction are central. The focus is on developing my clients' strengths and improving their communication.


Sessions can be conducted in either Dutch or English, at my office in Bussum or online. 


Would you like to know if I can help you? Please contact me for a telephone appointment.

Manon Copini op kantoor Copini Counseling

Your emotions may be running high if you have come to my site. You may be feeling intense emotions such as anger, sadness, or dissatisfaction.


Anyway, your relationship is not going well and you know that this cannot go on. The problems are too big and frequent; something has to change.

Repair relationship

Many couples think their relationship is over when they reach this point. Sometimes this may be the case, but more often than not, there is more to salvage than you think.


I help you to understand each other better, to positively communicate, and to resolve conflicts and problems.

Individual therapy

If your partner does not want to come along or if you are single with recurring relationship problems, you can also come to therapy alone.


I can also help if you are having trouble leaving a destructive relationship, to restore your self-confidence and regain your future perspective.

End relationship

Sometimes couples decide to split up after therapy.


You will get to know yourself and the other person really well throughout our sessions. You may conclude that your personalities and needs are too different for a future together.


In that case, I can help you take the next step constructively.

For more information, please feel free to contact me.

How does it work?

Kantoor Copini Counseling
De start

Na kennismaking via de telefoon, volgt het intakegesprek. Daarna heb ik een gesprek van 1 uur met iedere partner afzonderlijk. 

Vervolgens beginnen de therapiesessies.


De intake en de individuele gesprekken hebben als doel de relatieproblemen grondig te evalueren.


Hieruit volgt het opstellen van een plan van aanpak. We formuleren een duidelijke hulpvraag en de gezamenlijke doelen.


Het uitgangspunt is dat iedereen zichzelf is en mag zijn, maar dat het gedrag dat je laat zien wel degelijk positief kan veranderen.

Je kunt meer
Het proces

We werken aan het accepteren van onderlinge verschillen en het stimuleren van empathie en begrip voor elkaars perspectieven. 


Wat kunnen jullie van elkaar accepteren en wat niet? Hoe kun je op een positieve manier je behoeftes delen en je grenzen aangeven?


Hoe kunnen jullie beter met elkaar communiceren? Hoe ga je als team problemen gezamenlijk aanpakken?​


Afhankelijk van hoe dit gaat, hebben de meeste stellen ca. 10 sessies nodig (exclusief de intake en individuele gesprekken).

Het resultaat

Jullie blazen je relatie nieuw leven in. Je leert jezelf en elkaar beter kennen. Jullie zijn weer liever voor elkaar en waarderen elkaar meer. Conflicten kunnen jullie beter beheersen en je zult zien dat jullie een sterkere emotionele band opbouwen.


Het komt ook voor dat koppels besluiten niet verder met elkaar te gaan na de therapie. Soms kom je tot de ontdekking dat jullie persoonlijkheden en behoeftes zo verschillen dat jullie geen toekomst samen zien. 



Intro telephone conversation

15 minutes


Joint intake

90 minutes

Couples therapy

Individual conversations

2 x 1 hour

Therapy sessions approx. 10 in total

90 minutes

Relationship therapy is not reimbursed by health insurers

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"We were actually on the verge of breaking up. That was during the COVID period and we couldn't go anywhere. We decided to find out if there was anything to salvage. That's how we ended up with Manon.

She helped us understand each other better and interact in a positive way. The sessions were intense, but strangely enough also relaxed, and after a few times we could even laugh again.

We have learned so much in a relatively short time. Not only my relationship has benefited, but also my personal growth over all. The positive change is noticed at work and in other social interactions.

Our relationship is stronger and more fun than ever."


For more information, please feel free to contact me.

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