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Couples Counseling

Loop je steeds tegen dezelfde uitdagingen aan in je relaties?

Heb je hulp nodig een ongezonde relatie te verlaten?

Wil je jezelf terugvinden na een relatiebreuk?

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Ben je je zelfvertrouwen en innerlijke compas kwijt geraakt en weet je eigenlijk niet zo goed hoe je die terug kunt vinden?

Dat is helemaal niet zo gek. En gelukkig sta je niet alleen. In relaties passen we ons vaak (on)gemerkt aan aan onze partner. Iedere relatie is immers een compromis


Your emotions may be running high if you have come to my site. You may be feeling intense emotions such as anger, sadness, or dissatisfaction.


Anyway, your relationship is not going well and you know that this cannot go on. The problems are too big and frequent; something has to change.

Repair relationship

Many couples think their relationship is over when they reach this point. Sometimes this may be the case, but more often than not, there is more to salvage than you think.


I help you to understand each other better, to positively communicate, and to resolve conflicts and problems.

Individual therapy

If your partner does not want to come along or if you are single with recurring relationship problems, you can also come to therapy alone.


I can also help if you are having trouble leaving a destructive relationship, to restore your self-confidence and regain your future perspective.

End relationship

Sometimes couples decide to split up after therapy.


You will get to know yourself and the other person really well throughout our sessions. You may conclude that your personalities and needs are too different for a future together.


In that case, I can help you take the next step constructively.

For more information, please feel free to contact me.



Intro telephone conversation

15 minutes


Joint intake

90 minutes

Couples therapy

Individual conversations

2 x 1 hour

Therapy sessions approx. 10 in total

90 minutes

For more information, please feel free to contact me.

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